My Guilty Pleasure: Foster’s Lager

Australia is actually known to produce some very nice beers. Whether Foster’s is one of them is very disputable. If you ask the locals, the answer is almost sure to be “No“. If you ask the foreigners, the answer is more likely to be “No” but you may also hear an occasional “Yes“. For me, this beer is a guilty pleasure. I know a lot of people don’t consider it a top quality beer, but I can’t help myself not to love it. It’s one of my favourite lager out there, definitely among the top 3. I can’t really say why this is so, but it just is.

  • Name: Foster’s Lager
  • Brewery: Fosters Brewing (CUB)
  • City: Southbank
  • Country: Australia


This Australian beer pour with a typical lager looks. It has a clear and golden color, the body is decently carbonated, and the head is medium in size, foamy and white. The aroma is predominantly grainy and slightly malty, so it smells like a regular lager. The taste is sweet and malty ar first, followed by a grainy and slightly hoppy body, finishing with a nice and bittery finish.

Foster’s runs down your throat extremelly smooth, with the carbonation and hoppy taste giving you the necessary refreshment. The taste is light but not really watery, although it is true you could have a bunch of these in a row, especially when the day and the setting is right. I can’t really tell you what makes this beer so special for me, but it just tastes great. Simple as that.

  • Style: Pale Lager
  • ABV: 4,9%
  • Ingredients: water, barley malt, hops


  • Appearance: 4 / 5
  • Smell: 4 / 5
  • Taste: 4,5 / 5
  • Overall: 4,5 / 5
  • Botlle: 3.5 / 5

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